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  Brandon's Gallery - December 5, 2004      

Birthday Boy -- Age 3 at Round Table Pizza

Summer Carriage Ride in New York's Central Park, 1996: Amy, Brandon and Beth

Buckingham Palace, on vacation in London, 2001: Brandon, Amy and Beth

High School Graduation, June 2004

Commencement, receiving diploma from Mom, June 16, 2004

Walking with Sauchuen, physical therapist at Cedars Sinai Hospital, October 19, 2004

Halloween with the Family at Cedars Sinai Hospital: Mom, Dad, Beth (the Hippie), Brandon (as Indiana Jones), and Amy (a true Angel)

A Yellow Ribbon Homecoming, November 2, 2004

First walk outside, November 7, 2004

With the BOHS Band, Anaheim, November 2004

Pizza Pals, Love at first bite

Clowning around, Beth and Brandon

School Friends, Alicia and Emily

A walk and a kiss from Beth, Saturday, December 4